Friday, August 22, 2008

Random Happenings

So this is a random post of all the random things going on in my life right now. Tim has been hard at work and I've hardly seen him for a week so Matt and I have been hanging out together. I call Matt my best friend because I'm with him all the time and we have a great time together (most of the time :) But we really appreciate all that Tim does for our family and we are very thankful for him. This is just a pic of Matt sleeping I thought he looked like and angel.
This is my pregnancy test. If you can tell there are 2 positives there! I had to take it twice just to make sure!
We had pizza for dinner last night and this was Matt's face after. He was quite a joy to clean up I might add.
This is our new kitchen. Its beautiful and the countertops are concrete which is pretty cool.
This is a picture of the family room which is the same room as the kitchen. I really do love this house and we will be here for awhile!
Okay so I have a pretty funny story this will reasure you that I really am pregnant. So just barly Matt comes out of his room with poop on his legs, feet and of course face. So I'm wondering what happened. I had two dogs inside with me and I thought oh great they pooped and he got into it. No they didn't poop Matt did and he pooped all over himself because I forgot to put a diaper on him! I guess I thought I did but I didn't so he had pee pee and poop all over him. I was laughing to myself wondering how in the world I forgot that. Then I remembered that I'm pregant and pregnant people do funny things. So after I changed him I walk out and the dog had pooped on the floor. Yeah I wasn't to happy about that. They hardly ever poop in the house so I was very suprised. Anywho there's story about how fun my day is going!


Matt & April Herman said...

That is hilarious! Gotta love a good poop story:)

Mel said...

Beautiful home!!! That is a horrible poop story, I am sorry! WE need to get together soon :

Jackie Sullivan said...

Your house looks so cute! I need to find a day to come see it! I love the story about Matt! I almost cried when you told me I was laughing so hard!

Jonathan and Michelle said...

Your house looks beautiful, I LOVE it! Pregnancy makes you do and think crazy things, doesn't it!?

Ashlee Andersen said...

Congrats on your new home and a new baby!!! That is so exciting! I love the pictures of your family in all the Modbe Swimming suits!! You have to do a party when the fall line comes out!

Hoggards said...

Congrats on expecting a new little one! Fun stuff! I fully expected you to say that we could all tell you were pregnant because you threw up after cleaning up all that poop! I probably would've! Your house is amazing! You are brave to have white couches (or so they look) with kids!