Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun Times

So this week has been pretty fun. My good friend Jackie had a baby boy last Tuesday so my friend Melissa and I went to visit her in the hospital on Wednesday. This is a picture of Matt with her cute little girl Chloe. These two got along so well it was very nice. We were so happy to see that everything went good with Jackie's delivery and the baby.
On Friday Melissa and Chloe came up to my house and we got to hang out and talk for awhile it was fun! Good times Melissa!
On Saturday Tim and I had to go to a funeral of one of Tim's family members. I always have a hard time at funerals because I always feel so bad for the families left behind. Those who have gone on are happy and doing good but you just worry about all of us that are left. Funerals also make me think about what people would say at my funeral and how people would respond if I died. I know I'm probably weird but I think of things like that. But the good thing is that funerals make me want to be a better person because you never know when you'll be leaving this earth.
Saturday night was Women's Conference and it was fabulous! I loved all the talks and it was so nice to be able to just sit there and listen to those amazing speakers. I definitely want to read those talks when they come out in the Ensign.
On Sunday we got together with my dad's side of the family for a family picnic. I don't remember the last time I saw people from my dad's side so it was nice to hang out and catch up with everyone. It was at a park so Matt was going down the slide the entire time. He was so sad when we had to leave! Well all I hope everyone has a fabulous week and I will see you next time.

1 comment:

The Harris Family said...

Hey Shannon, it's Erin how are you? I saw your blog on April's page! Congrats on being pregnant, and your little boy is so cute! My blog is, but I have it set to private so let me know your email so you can see our blog. My email is It was so good to see pics of you guys, you all look great!