Thursday, October 9, 2008

Our Landscaping is Done!

This obviously has nothing to do with the landscaping, but Matt found Tim's shirt yesterday and he wanted to wear it so this is him wearing it. He got so mad when I had to take it off of him to. He also wore it all morning. Kids are so funny!
This is a picture of the front of the house. I think the landscapers did a great job. They cleaned everything up so it looked all good which really made me happy!
Here is the backyard. If you can tell we have a water feature/ river in the backyard which is very pretty as well as a fire pit with rocks and trees around it. The rest of the yard it some curbing, bushes, and grass. It turned out great and now that the weather is changing we need to quickly enjoy it while we can!


team wilson said...

That looks awesome! Love it! Love it! Love it! See you Sat.

Cal and Whit said...

It looks great! Matt looks so darling in that shirt! what a cutie!

Mel said...

Wow Shannon your yard is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! I love it! Can't wait to see it in real life. The landscapers did great and it's a good thing they got all their trash out of the front yard!

Jackie Sullivan said...

Your yard looks awesome! I'm so happy for you! We need to come over and play while we can. Give me a call and we'll find a time.

Jonathan and Michelle said...

Oh my goodness, your house and yard are gorgeous!!