Monday, November 24, 2008

Fun Pics of Matt

I had to post a couple of pictures of Matt I've taken in the last week. He seriously is such a joy in my life and he makes me laugh everyday! He loves wearing shoes and he especially loves to wear shoes that are a challenge. These are my boots and they pretty much go all the way up his leg. Its so funny to watch him walk around in them.
This is Matt on his bike with some underwear on his head. He thought the underwear were a cute hat and he wore them all day! He has been so fun lately and I'm so grateful everyday that he is a part of my life.
So I just wanted to give my input on the Twillight movie. I seriously thought it was great! There were a couple of things that bugged me but I really loved it! I want to go see it again and again! I know so many people are saying crap about it but it was so good, it had no swear words or anything bad in it. It was a nice wholesome movie.


Mel said...

WHAT A CUTIE!!! Pretty soon you will have 2 of them running around!

Matt & April Herman said...

He is so Darling! Seriously, Underwear on the head, it doesn't get much cuter! I loved Twilight too! I want to see it again so bad!