Thursday, January 1, 2009

Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Well first I have to say that I had such a wonderful Christmas Season and I love this time of the year! We haven't had a lot to do but plenty to do as well so I never felt like things were out of control or overwhelming! The pictures I have of December are out of order so you'll have to bare with me.
This is a picture of Matt and his cousin Spencer on Christmas morning. I love that they are both smiling they are so cute! We slept over at Tim's parents house on Christmas Eve so we were there bright and early Christmas morning.

Here is a picture of Ashlynn, Carter, Tony and Heidi. What a cute family! We all got together with everyone in Tim's family and opened gifts on Christmas morning. Even though the weather was horrible we still made it down to my families house for the rest of Christmas day.

We got down to my families house around noon and Matt was having fun opening up more presents. I think he was a little overwhelmed because he wanted to play with the toys he got and I was trying to give him more gifts to open so he didn't really like that.

This is everyone getting ready to open up gifts at my parents house. We all got together and it was just fun being with everyone. We didn't really do anything all day just hung out, ate a lot of good food, and got to spend good quality time together. What more can you ask for?

For our parents Christmas gift this year they wanted and new floor in their laundry room so all of us kids pitched in and helped give them a new floor. I have to admit that Cody and Sarah did the most but I tried to do as much as I could being pregnant and all! This is all of us getting ready to grout the floor. It was fun being able to spend all of that quality time together and do something really nice for our parents as well.

These are a picture of Tim's mom's famous sugar cookies. She spent a lot of time on them and I had to take a picture so I could show the world what a great job she did!
We went over to Tim's parents house the Monday before Christmas to have a family night and the kids had lots of fun learning about Christ's birth and putting pictures up on a board. This picture is cute because they were all very much into the story!

The Saturday before Christmas we went to Tim's grandparents house and got to see all of his extended family. We don't get to see them very much so when we do see them its always nice. This is a picture of Tim's cousins son Daxton who is a month older than Matt, Carter and Matt. These boys got along well and I'm sure they will be having some good times as they grow up.

This is one of the sweetest pictures. all of the Great-Grand kids got together and they sang I am a Child of God to their Great-Grandpa. Even though Matt doesn't know the words he still stood there which I thought was great!
We also had a great Christmas Eve. We went to our friends house in Alpine and pretty much just hung out and had fun. There were 4 couples and it was fun because we all have kids the same age so the kids pretty much entertained themselves and just played together. We don't get to see our friends very often so it was fun to be able to hang out for a long time and just catch up and talk about life. Its also great to hear stories of Tim and his friends when they were younger. They did some crazy things! But its been a great holiday season and I'm sad to see it end but I'm also looking forward to the New Year. I'm going to make some new resolutions and hopefully in the next two months have Matt potty trained! Wish me luck! Happy New Year everyone!


Hoggards said...

I'm glad you guys had a lot of fun! It is such a wonderful time of the year!

Jonathan and Michelle said...

It looks like you guys had a great holiday season! Good luck with the potty training!