Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Business

Well I decided to start a business selling Herbalife products. Many of you may be wondering why I decided to do this and what Herbalife is exactly. Well let me tell you. Since my dad died I have felt awful all the time physically and emotionally. Finally about 3 weeks ago I decided that I need to try to help myself feel better. I wasn't eating a lot because really nothing tasted good and I just have had no energy. So I was looking at something to help me because running around after two boys all day long can get very tiring. So I found Herbalife and its been a great product for me. They have so many different Herbs and Vitamins to help people feel there best. They have a plan that can help you lose weight, maintain your weight, or gain weight. I've just been taking some shakes to help me get the nutrition that I need and some extra vitamins and I feel so much better physically at least. I have honestly not felt this good since my dad passed and it was such a good feeling. So I decided that since I'm feeling so good why not help other people feel good as well? So I signed up to be a distributor and I'm learning all the ropes right now and I'm really enjoying it. So if anyone reading my blog is interested in knowing more information or just wants to pick my brain about health issues that I've learned about e-mail, call, or leave a message on this post. I'm so happy to start feeling better physically it makes me feel like a better mom and a better person. The emotional part will take a lot longer for me to start feeling better but I feel like I've started healing in some ways and other ways of healing will come. Anyway I hope all is well and I'll post again soon about my family. Nothing has really been happening around here I wish I had something to post about!

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