Monday, February 9, 2009

Its been a while

Well its been a little while since I've posted a blog and its not that I haven't wanted to its just been crazy and than really boring so I wasn't sure exactly what to write about! Well two weeks ago today Tim was driving and passed out while he was driving. So we took him to the hospital and he got all checked out and he's fine but it was super scary! He says that he remembers passing out and then being on the side of the road, he doesn't remember how he got there! So I think its a huge blessing and I'm so grateful that he's doing okay. He threw up right before he got in the car and started driving and the doctor thinks that because he started driving right after he threw up that the blood was just rushing from his head so it made him pass out. I guess he already has a low heart rate and that had a lot to do with it as well!
So later that night Matt started getting really sick and throwing up everywhere.It was seriously a very bad day! So Matt and Tim were both pretty sick all week so I just took care of my boys and thank goodness I didn't get sick myself because I don't know what we would have done. So the entire week was just busy trying to take care of everything that was going on. Last week was actually pretty boring around our house but I like it that way. I would rather it be boring than crazy! But I did take a few pictures of what we did last week so I hope you enjoy...
Tim was reading a book and Matt went and grabbed his books and started reading with Tim. I thought it was so cute!
On Saturday I took Matt to Cabela's to look at all the animals. He loves animals and he had so much fun just walking around. This is him in an ice fishing tent. He loved going in all the tents and walking around. But he liked this tent the most because he had somewhere to sit.
This is us in front of the fish. I know you can't see the fish but there in the back. Matt looks scared in this picture, I just look scary!
This is Matt with the animals, he is such a cute boy!
Matt with a bear!
Okay so I have a question and if anyone can help me that would be great! This last week Matt has been very difficult. He screams if he doesn't get his way and I try to distract him with other things and he just screams louder. I put him in time out but when I get him out he just does it again. I really don't want to spank him or anything so I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions because seriously I feel like I am at the end of my rope!


Hoggards said...

That is so scary about Tim! Angels must've helped him to the side of the road safely! I'm glad he was safe. PS, my kids love Cabelas too!

Mel said...

Sorry about the sickness in your house. We are sick here too, atleast not me! It stinks and it is that time of year!! I am dealing with the same problem with Ryan, he is turning so hard in his latter twos! He will be three next month and he is getting into everything!! I would keep doing the time out and being consistant. I don't have any answers! Sorry about Tim, I am glad he is okay! Miss you girl! Excited for that baby to come!!

Matt & April Herman said...

Hey Shannon! That is so scary about Tim, i am so glad he is alright. I am sorry that Matt is getting into the temper tantrum stage. I agree that spanking really doesn't work. I have tried. Time out is the only thing that kind of works for Bailey. I have to put her in a room by herself and let her cry. When she stops I open the door, and say, "I see you have stopped crying, are you ready to come out?" if she starts up again I close the door and do the same thing, until she understands that if she stops the fit, she may come out. Good Luck:)

Haslams said...

Scary about Tim, I did that on my birthday-- throwing up for awhile and then pretty much passing out right after. Scary that he was driving, I'm relieved he's okay.

Matt sounds like he is pushing the limits. We're starting the same thing with Eleanor too, I would just say to be consistent. If he does it again, he again goes back into time out. I also find it effective with Quincy-- to warn her of the consequences. But don't say "IF you do that again,..." (cause then its a dare), you say "WHEN you .. (i.e. write on the walls), you will (i.e. go to time out) and I will (take your crayons away for the rest of the day)"

Good luck- Missed you at book club last week!